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During the event, we request that participants read and honor the following Participant Guidelines. Our gathering is a diverse one by any measure; participants have arrived from many countries spread across the globe, representing a broad range of experiences and viewpoints. So much of what we are trying to accomplish at this event involves building new relationships, and positive attitudes will serve as the glue to hold it all together.

While we do not want to dictate behavior or in any way limit expression, we provide the following guidelines as a starting point for collaboration and community building during the event.

  • Demonstrate respect for others at all times: Effective sharing and learning can only take place when interactions are built on a foundation of respect for others. It will never be acceptable to insult others or demonstrate disrespect, even in moments of philosophical disagreement and passionate exchange. Please refrain from side conversations while others are speaking, and honor the posted schedule by arriving promptly for sessions so that others are not made to wait.
  • Include everyone in the circle. The event should not be viewed as a competition to prove who is most knowledgeable, but rather as an opportunity to broaden our networks of skill, collaboration and understanding. Strive to ensure that no one is left out; introduce yourself to strangers early and often, and speak in language that is accessible to all. In particular, please define acronyms and technical jargon when using them in discussion.
  • Ask questions early and often: The event is convened specifically for the benefit of those who need to know more about developing, recommending and/or deploying software and technology to the NPOs and NGOs they work with. Participants should feel free to ask any question at any time; there shall be no such thing as a "stupid question".
  • Embrace a spirit of sharing: We believe that everyone is an expert in their own realm, and encourage each participant to please contribute their wisdom to the mix. Breaking down barriers between the vague notions of "novice" and "expert" will be the order of the day; all of us know something and none of us knows everything.
  • Share first, debate later: Many among us possess strong beliefs on matters of technology, politics, philosophy and community. While the organizers endorse debate as a key component in building understanding, we ask that participants focus on finding common ground for sharing during sessions, and endeavor to debate "offline", outside of sessions, with others who welcome the debate.
  • Help us to realize the full potential of this gathering: our goal is to better understand how to build capacity among implementers and developers working in non-profit organizations. Our belief is that relationship building and dialog are fundamental parts of realizing this goal. As you share and learn from others, be mindful that we are trying to discern what works and what doesn't work in peer-to-peer skill and knowledge transfer. If we can learn better how to learn while simultaneously teaching others how to teach, our time together will be well spent.